
Un-Learning Ah-Ha’s

For half my lifetime, I have been studying, teaching and practicing Law of Attraction.

For many of those years I didn’t call it Law of Attraction, but I have come to learn by “un-learning” deep-rooted beliefs that I was, infact, a child, an offspring of the Master who creates all living things in our Universe and beyond. It brings me great comfort to know as a piece of God, I was created from greatness for greatness.

We all are born with a finely tuned guiding mechanism. It gets muddled and lost as we age due to our environmental surroundings. The Law of Attraction does not happen instantly. There is a divine delay between the manifestation of our deepest desires and our declared wants. This delay allows us to re-think and re-assess if what we say we truly want is accurate.

The early 80’s were the years I unearthed my Bohemian self. Divorced with two small children, I moved to Malibu, a complete departure from my life as a suburban wife and high-achieving minded mother. I went from spending my time researching the best schools to raising my children in a more organic, natural setting. Living by the ocean, we embraced the change with a sense of wonder, curiosity and freedom that brought all three of us happiness and fulfillment.

It was during this time that the Universe sent me kindred spirits who facilitated moving me in the direction of further growth and expansion. For the next five years, I spent time in deep contemplation at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. When I was invited to join Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross for a week-long seminar, I found myself totally unprepared for the insights that would leave an indelible mark on my soul. I was un-learning toxic thoughts and limiting beliefs.

I trusted that these experiences, which came to me as though by design, clarified where I needed to go next.

I wrote my first book, This is Not Goodbye…It’s Halo which Dr, Kubler-Ross endorsed. When Malibu’s PTA asked me to bring my children’s program, “Creative Expressions” to the public schools, I did so with only one thought in mind. I wanted to provide shelter for latch-key children. I hired the best music, drama and art teachers in the area to come in and provide classes. What began for a certain group ended up with children from neighboring schools, both public and private. As with any venture we create from pure love and caring, the financing followed and we had a three year wait list.

In 1988, we moved to Beverly Hills and I took a position with an entertainment business management firm. One of their clients was Joyce Rey, a Realtor who set record after record. She encouraged me to get my real estate license and for the next fifteen years, I sold real estate in both L.A. and the Monterey Peninsula. I remember the day like yesterday when I felt a profound calling, a push so forceful I couldn’t ignore or deny it. I was sitting at my desk in Carmel, California and noticed a beam of sunlight coming through the window. I leaned back in my chair, closed my eyes and heard a familiar voice. “You have done all you were meant to do Victoria. It’s time you get up to speed with your spiritual work now.” What, I wondered, would this new life look like? The thought of retiring from the only career that had afforded me the financial freedom I had become accustomed to worried and tormented me.

I began my transition slowly. I wrote The Heart of Real Estate and taught its principles to real estate professionals. The workshops and classes I gave brought me so much joy and I was overwhelmed and humbled that it brought equal joy to those who attended them. I hold every testimonial close to my heart and when, in doubt, I read them again. But, I knew there was more for me to explore.

I had heard about one of the world’s best coaching schools, Coaches Training Institute (CTI) in Marin, California. I enrolled and decided not to stress out about the cost, especially since I had made the decision to only sell real estate to existing clients or referrals. I learned how many thoughts we have a day; 50-70 thousand, many more than I realized. To connect with them, we must take an observer position. What emotion am I feeling that is associated with this thought? How many of these thoughts fulfill me? How many empower me? How many are positive?

I learned and un-learned simultaneously. I became obsessed with identifying my feelings about the thoughts I was thinking and spent years perfecting how to access and activate positive thoughts anytime, anywhere by bringing the process into consciousness.

So, un-learn my friends. Evolve into a higher state of vibration. You will feel lighter, clearer and more empowered. By crossing barriers between this life and the world we come from, we glow from within. This is what we are born to do…

About the Author

Victoria Feldman is a published author, certified life coach, crisis therapist, blogger and has developed spiritual workshops.

Victoria offers an array of transformative workshops to corporations, small businesses, real estate associations and entrepreneurs seeking to form better and higher communication that is in alignment with their cultures and missions. Rooted in Universal Laws, Victoria’s workshops assist the participant in raising their vibrations to match their desires. From Vision Boards to Positive Psychology to Optimism, Mindfulness and Clarity, she uses proven tools and techniques that enrich, inspire and uplift her clients committed to transformation.

Victoria has sold 100’s of millions of dollars of real estate, and authored her own real estate course “The Heart of Real Estate” which she teaches at Boards of Realtors, colleges, to groups and individuals. Victoria was invited to be a panelist honored for her entrepreneurial achievements at UCLA’s “Women of the Year” conference. An advocate for children and Montessorian, Victoria‘s “Creative Expressions” was Malibu, California’s first Higher Consciousness Program for Children. Victoria’s program had a three year’s wait list. Victoria’s first book, “This is Not Goodbye…It’s Halo” was endorsed by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and won the prestigious IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for first new book in the Psychology/Self Help division. Victoria’s new book, “Hello, Beautiful-How the Power of Self Love Heals & Transforms You” takes the reader on an inner journey of remembering our connection to our Source of creation. Victoria attended one of the world’s most respected, rigorous coaching institutes in the world, CTI. She is also a member of ICF, International Coach Federation.

“By choosing to be our most authentic & loving self, we leave a trail of magic everywhere we go.” Emmanuel



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  • Un-Learning Ah-Ha’s | Life Coach, Author, Spiritual Teacher

  • Victoria is an Inspirational Motivator, Life Coach, Published Writer & Multi-Million Dollar Top Producing Realtor.