
Is Self-Love Selfish or Selfless?


You’re too full of yourself,” my mother use to say to me whenever I felt a surge of empowerment, that amazing feeling of Wonder Woman strength combined with a Divine connectedness to Spirit…

How can we be TOO FULL of ourselves? What does this actually mean?

Is it selfish or selfless to love ourselves so much that we “feel” power-full beyond measure? Both of these actions go to the heart of Self-Love. Both are instruments needed to activate healing and transformation. How many times have you wanted something and didn’t consider the effects it would have on others? In 70 years, probably more times than I can count. But, the wisdom (activation of selflessness) that yields from the repetitive action of selfishness holds our greatest life-lessons. With selflessness, comes happiness and joy. When making someone else happy, making their heart light and giving them hope, reflects right back at you, that’s… Self-Love.

I just celebrated my 70th b’day and I consider, every day I am given going forward, a miracle. So, as ONE of God’s miracles, I declare today and evermore, I am going to strive to be the very best I can be. “We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. As we let our own light shine, we give others permission to do the same.”-Marianne Williamson. No matter how big or small, when we inspire, uplift and empower another “Child of God,” we are demonstrating the primary tenet of selflessness.

The degree to which we love others is how much we can love ourselves. So, do we need selfishness to teach us selflessness? Stay tuned…

About the Author

Victoria Feldman is a published author, certified life coach, crisis therapist, blogger and has developed spiritual workshops.

Victoria offers an array of transformative workshops to corporations, small businesses, real estate associations and entrepreneurs seeking to form better and higher communication that is in alignment with their cultures and missions. Rooted in Universal Laws, Victoria’s workshops assist the participant in raising their vibrations to match their desires. From Vision Boards to Positive Psychology to Optimism, Mindfulness and Clarity, she uses proven tools and techniques that enrich, inspire and uplift her clients committed to transformation.

Victoria has sold 100’s of millions of dollars of real estate, and authored her own real estate course “The Heart of Real Estate” which she teaches at Boards of Realtors, colleges, to groups and individuals. Victoria was invited to be a panelist honored for her entrepreneurial achievements at UCLA’s “Women of the Year” conference. An advocate for children and Montessorian, Victoria‘s “Creative Expressions” was Malibu, California’s first Higher Consciousness Program for Children. Victoria’s program had a three year’s wait list. Victoria’s first book, “This is Not Goodbye…It’s Halo” was endorsed by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and won the prestigious IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for first new book in the Psychology/Self Help division. Victoria’s new book, “Hello, Beautiful-How the Power of Self Love Heals & Transforms You” takes the reader on an inner journey of remembering our connection to our Source of creation. Victoria attended one of the world’s most respected, rigorous coaching institutes in the world, CTI. She is also a member of ICF, International Coach Federation.

“By choosing to be our most authentic & loving self, we leave a trail of magic everywhere we go.” Emmanuel



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  • Is Self-Love Selfish or Selfless? | Life Coach, Author, Spiritual Teacher

  • Victoria is an Inspirational Motivator, Life Coach, Published Writer & Multi-Million Dollar Top Producing Realtor.